
Geophysical company ASTRA

a modern geological and geophysical enterprise with a private form of ownership.

The expedition was created by professional geophysicists – graduates of the geophysical faculty of the Leningrad Mining Institute.

The main field of activity of the “Astra”

Performing surface and borehole geological and geophysical works to solve:

  • engineering-geological problems;
  • hydrogeological and geoecological studies;
  • prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits (MPI).

Organization and conduct of airborne geophysical surveys using UAVs.

Development, production and sale of geophysical equipment and instruments, in particular, a set of equipment for impulse electrical exploration AIE-2

The main areas of work of the “Astra” are:

  • Comprehensive geological and geophysical study of the geological structure of sites and territories at depths from zero to hundreds of meters in order to obtain geophysical products in the form of maps, sections and models.
  • Production of field work using new effective geophysical methods and technologies for solving particularly complex, specific and non-standard geological problems.
  • Carrying out interpretation, computational, mapping and thematic work both on our own materials and on the materials of the Customer.
  • Implementation of experimental methodological and hardware design developments both for our own needs and at the request of Customers


Astra is always ready to take part in a project of any complexity, to provide geophysical surveys for engineering and mining tasks.

  • Services for the implementation of integrated geophysical surveys in the search for deposits of solid minerals and building materials;
  • Carrying out geophysical surveys during geological mapping;
  • Geophysical support of engineering and geological surveys;
  • Inspection of underground space for engineering and economic tasks;
  • Assistance in solving archaeological problems and searching for hidden objects;
  • Specialized works in the water areas of rivers and seas;
  • Groundwater exploration and hydrogeophysics;
  • Development, production and repair of geophysical equipment (AIE-2).


Astra has its own production of geophysical equipment for the transient method, induced polarization, carotage.

Own production, price list of equipment, auxiliary equipment

Equipment price list

Sales department

e-mail: sales@astrageo.spb.ru


Contacts of Geophysical company ASTRA, LLC


195009, St. Petersburg, Bobruiskaya st., 5 B
+7 (812) 294-63-23

Head director:

Demchenko Nikolay Vladimirovich
tel.: +7 (812) 294 65 86
mob.: +7-905-201-21-49
e-mail: nika146410@gmail.com

Chief geophysicist:

Muslimov Alexander Victorovich
tel.: +7 (812) 294 65 86
mob.: +7-981-827-98-69
e-mail: magadan15@mail.ru

Sales department

е-mail: sales@kge-astra.ru

Astra is ready to take part

in your current or emerging projects at any stage. We will help you find a solution to urgent, extraordinary or complex engineering, prospecting and geological problems.

е-mail: office@kge-astra.ru